Monday, April 3, 2017

From Now On

       Ms. Royal has won me as a convert with her novel From Now On
Told in first person, Ms. Royal popped me, the reader, into a future time where I met groups of people living a way of life normally thought of as that lived in the Middle Ages. Knights, squires, castles, romance, and dungeons are all a part of this adventure. A secret few have control of time travel and have plans of their own for Manx Island, the site of this unusual tale.
      Erin is a strong, stubborn, woman determined to rescue Griffin, the man she loves, from the dungeon of a man trying to take over the island.
      I measure most of my science fiction books against Elizabeth Moon's novels.  This author is very close to Miss Moon's work.
      A phrase from Ms. Royal's novel captured my attention and I want to share it. 
"A new day begins, and it is one fresh with endless possibilities. Like a blank canvas it beckons, luring me to seize it with both hands and make it into something worthwhile, something memorable."
       The twist, turns, and ending of this novel make it a book I can heartily recommend to all readers looking for adventure via the printed page.