Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Life With Lily

     Life With Lily by Suzanne Woods and Mary Ann Kinsinger is a revealing book picturing the every day life of an eight year old girl growing up in an Amish home. While I'm not Amish and have no intention of joining an Amish community, I found that I envied the harmony, and support system in this home and community.
      Not everything was perfect. Lily manages to get into several jams thanks to a friend with interesting ideas and a persuasive tongue. While there is much support between different branches of the family and community, there are some that push their own beliefs onto others causing much discord. How mother and father handle the different crises' is revealing. We English               (everyone not Amish) can learn a lot from these people.
      I highly recommend Life With Lily for girls seven or eight years old through high school.  I also recommend this book for young adults considering marriage and having a family. In this time where stress, road rage, drugs, hate, and lying is becoming the norm, Life With Lily paints a different picture of family life, a better life if we English can adopt some of their attitudes and problem solving skills.
      Life With Lily can be purchased at Amazon   https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Life+with+Lily
There are paper back and Kindle versions available.

Life With Lily

     Life With Lily by Suzanne Woods and Mary Ann Kinsinger is a revealing book picturing the every day life of an eight year old girl growing up in an Amish home. While I'm not Amish and have no intention of joining an Amish community, I found that I envied the harmony, and support system in this home and community.
      Not everything was perfect. Lily manages to get into several jams thanks to a friend with interesting ideas and a persuasive tongue. While there is much support between different branches of the family and community, there are some that push their own beliefs onto others causing much discord. How mother and father handle the different crises' is revealing. We English               (everyone not Amish) can learn a lot from these people.
      I highly recommend Life With Lily for girls seven or eight years old through high school.  I also recommend this book for young adults considering marriage and having a family. In this time where stress, road rage, drugs, hate, and lying is becoming the norm, Life With Lily paints a different picture of family life, a better life if we English can adopt some of their attitudes and problem solving skills.
      Life With Lily can be purchased at Amazon   https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Life+with+Lily
There are paper back and Kindle versions available.